Dealing with Cyber-attacks is what I do every day. Or rather, preventing cyber-attacks is what I do every day. But to be able to prevent them, you need to know your risks and vulnerabilities. These Cyber breaches can and will happen to any businesses who are not prepared.

The recent Cyber-attack on JBS, the world’s largest meatworks brought Australian operations to a stop across all 47 sites on 31st May 2021. The ransomware attack, believed to have been carried out by Russian speaking gang REvil (short for ransomware evil), locked up the systems JBS use for quality assurance and meat processing. It targeted servers supporting JBS’s operations in North America and Australia which disrupted production for several days.

Whilst the systems were slowly restored from backup, it was a huge disruption to business and there was concern it could cause a shortage of meat across two continents. The resources to overcome this threat were exhaustive not just in man hours getting system’s back online, resources shipping product from alternative facilities and managing the supply chains to deal with this type of issue, but also an enormous financial impact.

This was a very difficult decision to make for our company and for me personally” said Andre Nogueira, the CEO of JBS USA. “However, we felt this decision had to be made to prevent any potential risk for our customers.”

SMH June 10, 2021

How do you know if your organisation is secure from a cyberattack?

Do you know how secure your organisation is? Don’t make the mistake of thinking JBS is a one-off case. Telstra boss Andrew Penn was appointed head of an industry advisory committee charged with implementing the Federal Government’s cybersecurity strategy in 2020. The committee has warned of an urgent need for Australia to step up its cyber defences. There are estimates cyber-related attacks could cost Australia’s economy $29 billion per year.

It’s easy to find out.

Witz Cybersecurity’s range of unique, disruptive, and innovative technologies provides you with the next level of Cyber protection. Our range of products includes Vulnerability scanning & pen testing (Cymptom), Continuous Cybersecurity monitoring (Cyber Observer), Mobile security (MobileIron), Cyber protection and forensic audit for Healthcare (CyberMDX), Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA with Safe-T), to name a few…

Can you say with certainty that your Cybersecurity Posture is totally secure against Cyber-attacks? Please call me to arrange a free POC / live Demo. Don’t wait until you need to pay the ransom.

Adrian Wolman
CEO & Founder
Witz Cybersecurity Pty Ltd